
Broadband with VoIP

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VoIP handset connecting to broadband

Get to grips with VoIP with our easy-to-understand guide. Curious about how it all works and why it’s a game-changer? Plus, check out Airband Talk – our nifty service that hooks up VoIP with your broadband. Let’s get started!

Quick links:

  • Brief History of VoIP
  • What is VoIP?
  • How does VoIP work?
  • What do I need for VoIP to work on an internet connection?
  • Benefits of using broadband and VoIP
  • The future of VoIP and broadband
  • Can I get it with Airband?

A Brief History of VoIP

Originating as a US Department of Defense experiment in 1973, VoIP has since become a staple in modern communication, boasting features that traditional phone systems can’t rival.

What is VoIP?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It means that you can send and receive calls through your broadband line.  So you do not have to pay line rental on your existing phone line.

How does it work?

Traditional phone networks use circuit switching whereby when a call is made, circuits are ‘switched’ in an exchange, creating a connection between the caller and the person being called.

With VoIP, traditional analog voice calls are broken down into packets of data. Like any other kind of data, such as an email, the packets travel over the internet and are reassembled at the end of the line.

All of our Airband Talk packages come with a free “softphone” app. A softphone is a piece of software that allows you to make telephone calls over the broadband connection using your smartphone or computer, usually through an app. A softphone uses a broadband internet connection to make telephone calls, rather than using traditional phone lines.

If you prefer to use a handset for your VoIP phone, you can buy one when you place your order.

What are the technical requirements for VoIP calls?

  • Bandwidth: A smooth VoIP call experience requires a certain minimum bandwidth.
  • Internet speeds: Depending on the VoIP usage type, such as individual calls, conference calls, or video calls, recommended internet speeds vary.

Find out more: What is a good download and upload speed?

What are the benefits of using VoIP?

A VoIP phone offers significantly cheaper calls than traditional landline services.

For businesses, it means that you only have one supplier for voice and data, providing greater efficiency, and any computer systems and applications can be linked to help streamline.

A VoIP service also offers lots of different features, such as voicemail to email transcriptions, call routing and call screening.

Can I get VoIP on a broadband internet connection with Airband?

Yes, you can get a VoIP service on a broadband connection with us.

At Airband we provide a VoIP service named “Airband Talk” with all of our fibre broadband packages. You can add an Airband Talk package on to your current fibre package for a small fee per month. Contact our sales team by phone to find out more.

What’s the future of broadband with voice over internet protocol?

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, the realm of VoIP is no exception. The future holds promising developments and shifts that will further redefine how we communicate.

Upcoming trends in VoIP technology

1. AI integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to play a significant role in enhancing VoIP services. From smarter virtual assistants to predictive analytics that can improve call quality in real-time, the synergy between AI and VoIP will drive efficiency and user experience.

2. Enhanced mobility

With the rise of remote work and digital nomadism, VoIP services will focus on offering more mobile-friendly solutions, ensuring seamless communication regardless of location.

3. Unified communications

VoIP will become an integral part of unified communication systems, integrating voice, video, messaging, and collaboration tools into a single platform.

4. Improved call quality

As internet infrastructure improves globally, VoIP call quality will reach new heights, rivaling, if not surpassing, traditional telephony.

What’s the impact of 5G on VoIP Services?

The rollout of 5G networks is set to revolutionize various tech sectors, and VoIP stands to gain immensely:

1. Faster speeds

5G promises speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G. For VoIP, this means almost zero latency, ensuring real-time communication that’s clearer and more reliable.

2. Increased capacity

5G networks can handle more devices simultaneously. This boost in capacity is crucial for VoIP, especially in densely populated areas or during large virtual conferences.

3. Enhanced reliability

With 5G, network downtimes will be a rarity, ensuring that VoIP services remain uninterrupted.

4. IoT integration

5G will be a driving force behind the Internet of Things (IoT). As more devices become interconnected, VoIP will play a pivotal role in facilitating communication between these devices.

So, the future of VoIP is bright, with technological advancements like 5G set to elevate its capabilities and reach. As we move forward, VoIP will not just be a tool for communication but a cornerstone of global connectivity.

Want to find out more about VoIP and broadband? Discover the benefits of it in our article, why use VoIP?

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