
Connecting your community

Airband Community Projects bring everyone together to create ultrafast, reliable broadband.

Join an Airband Community Project

Hard-to-reach communities can now experience lightning fast, reliable broadband. Check if you’re in coverage and join the rural towns and villages across the UK who are actively working with us to improve their connectivity.

We work with you, your neighbours and community leaders to plan a new network solution. Infrastructure is bespoke and designed to fit discreetly into your unique corner of the country.

  • Installation is free, including the design, engineering and materials.
  • We’ll help you access up to £3,500 each in Government vouchers.
  • Once your network is live, you’ll get a free router and our best monthly broadband package.

We will keep you up to speed throughout the process via email. So, get involved and be part of Airband Community Projects.


Broadband that meets your needs all day, every day.


A glitch-free experience, no delay, no lag, no buffering.

No price hikes

No mid-contract price increase. Guaranteed.